The screen freezes on asad’s tensed face. Zoya is tensed for asad, while rajvir too looks on. He takes her hand, and places it on her hand. He says that she left her earing in the car. Zoya asks whats the reason that he’s here. The next morning, the stranger, Rajvir who had given zoya the lift, comes to her house, and both asad and zoya are stunned. She throws the meds outside, and closes the window. She thinks that her pain too is unbearable now, and she wants to go far away from it. Humaira says that she knows that she’s not gng to get better, and now she doesnt even have a reason to. After razia leaves, humaira spits them out, thinking about nikhat’s breakdown. razia assures her that she would be fine soon. Humaira apologises saying that she would nevere repeat this. Razia silences her and says that she shouldnt ever say this again. as razia is stunned, humaira relieves her saying that she is just weak, and razia behaves as if she’s about to die. Humaira shocks her saying that she knows whats wrong with her. Razia asks her not to be brash and careless. Razia gives humaira the meds and asks her to sleep tight. Razia tries to make humaira understand that she has to take meds, and food properly, and develop a healthy routine. Nikhat says that she didnt have any otherr option, and when pain gets unbearable then a person tries to run away from it as far as possible. she says that she mightnt share but understands her pain. humaira says that she understands what she is going through, and reminds how she had known that huamira loves ayan. But she says that she shouldnt start now. She is shocked when humaira comes and says that she can lie to anyone but not her. Nikhat takes off the smile once she’s gone. She hugs and kisses her on the forehead and leaves. shirin says that for all that she has dreamt of seeing her as a bride, and that she would have the best husband. she complies, asking her to understand that its a wise descision for everyone.

Shirin asks her to say it while looking at her in the eye. Nikhat asks her not to worry as she’s very happy. She says that she understands one sided love, more than nikhat herself, and knows that it pains a lot. shirin says that she hasnt come for that, but she knows what she is going through. Nikhat says that she wont change her descision. Nikhat is sitting tensed, when shirin comes and asks about it. he does so and hugs her, while they and dilshad are happy, watching from a distance and leave. Zoya hugs him and asks him to appreciate her poetry. He teases her saying that he would keep all his CD’s safe. Asad, i shall make you a very wonderful cake….!!!! Jab aata hai quake, toh ban jata hai milk se milk shake….ĭont worry Mr. Zoya says thats the reason he didnt even eat. He teases her saying that he was scared for Dhoni and nopt for her. asad asks why does she do so foolish things then. they both are awkward, but then apologise. asad and zoya come out of their rooms with nazma and imran, who leave so thjat they are alone. Asad and zoya pretend to be indifferent to that.
#Zee tv serials jodha akbar Patch
They try to make them understand that if they dotn patch up, everyone’s going to be bothered. While nazma advocates for his love mixed with anger, and imran says her love is the reason for his concern. Both imran and nazma desperately try to make the other understand. Meanwhile, imran too tries to make asad understand all this, that zoya didnt want him to disturb in the neeting. Nazma tries her to understand asad’s reaction.

Zoya breaks down describing her ordeal, and asad’s insensitiv ity towards it. Nazma tries to advise zoya as to how asad’s anger is due to his concern for her. They decide to sort out this matter in between asad and zoya. While imran and nazma are tensed for them, dilshad asks them to sort out their new age love definitions. They both again fight and go their seperate ways. Zoya too lashes back saying that this applies on him too. She pretends to be very sleepy, and asad gets irritated. Asad asks how did he reach and zoya remembering it, thinks that asad would be very angry of she tells him. Asad says that he isnt asking for that, but she should only ask once. She says that he shouldnt be demnded to be taken permission from, every time she steps out of the house. zoya says that she isnt a child, and can take care of herself. Asad again goes on a rant as to how irresponsible she has been and asks why couldnt she evn place a call. He says that she isnt helpless but brash. Zoya tries to tell that she couldnt Asad says that he was almost on the verge of losing his sanity.